 | Name: (Ninereeds) Softy1 | Developer: Ninereeds | Type: Buzz Generator |
Link: files/source_ninereeds_softy1.zip Source code for (Ninereeds) Softy1. Posted: 2004-03-28 04:20:00
 | Name: (Ninereeds) Softy2 | Developer: Ninereeds | Type: Buzz Generator |
Link: files/source_ninereeds_softy2.zip Source code for (Ninereeds) Softy2. Posted: 2004-03-28 04:20:00
 | Name: CyanPhase MiniTrk | Developer: CyanPhase | Type: Buzz Generator |
Link: files/source_cyanphase_minitrk.zip This is a machine i released just on this web site, it demonstrates how to write a bare bones sample tracker for buzz that handles stereo samples and looping. update: This is version 2, which adds support for 32-bit Float and 32-bit PCM samples, 24-bit isnt quite finished yet. Posted: 2004-03-28 04:20:00
 | Name: Jeskola Noise | Developer: Jeskola | Type: Buzz Generator |
Link: files/source_jeskola_noise.zip Source code for Jeskola Noise, this is also part of the normal buzz distribution. Posted: 2004-03-28 04:20:00
 | Name: MAKK M3 | Developer: MAKK | Type: Buzz Generator |
Link: files/source_makk_m3.zip Source code for MAKK's M3 Posted: 2004-03-28 04:20:00
 | Name: MAKK M4 | Developer: MAKK | Type: Buzz Generator |
Link: files/source_makk_m4.zip Source code for MAKK's M4, this is a bit more larger, it also uses a utility for waveform conversions Posted: 2004-03-28 04:20:00
 | Name: Ninereeds NRS02 | Developer: Ninereeds | Type: Buzz Generator |
Link: /buzzdev/files/source_ninereeds_nrs02.zip Source code for Ninereeds NRS02. Posted: 2004-03-28 04:20:00
 | Name: Ninereeds NRS04 | Developer: Ninereeds | Type: Buzz Generator |
Link: /buzzdev/files/source_ninereeds_nrs04.zip Source code for Ninereeds NRS04. Posted: 2004-03-28 04:20:00
 | Name: Ninereeds Softy | Developer: Ninereeds | Type: Buzz Generator |
Link: /buzzdev/files/source_ninereeds_softy.zip Source code for Ninereeds Softy. Posted: 2004-03-28 04:20:00
 | just want to say thanks for all your hard work for Buzz development Posted: 2005-03-28 15:23:34 by vaisnava
 | I just begin to learn how to develope programs so i get VStudio6 and i don't understand why it's opening when i run Buzz: the exe breaks cause of an access violation!! If someone knows what happen,or need some info to help me, please write: murgia_simon@yahoo.fr Thanks to all Buzzers Posted: 2004-12-27 18:38:42 by Mezor
 | Is there a way to see a keyboard (piano roll) in Buzz? To enter notes? Has anyone made this yet? Posted: 2004-10-12 20:59:37 by rich
 | where is the overloader? Posted: 2004-10-09 11:51:24 by bohan
 | how do i add my own wav. samples to buzz? Posted: 2004-07-10 23:59:02 by nix
 | Thank you sir, you are a good man. Posted: 2004-06-06 21:19:20 by graue
 | where can i find more skins for buzz my eyes are bored- buzzer australia Posted: 2004-06-02 00:37:47 by matttoase
 | I think we can't ever thank you as much as it needed!
your work keep buzz alive, thx for all the great stuff you share with the buzz community :) Posted: 2004-04-10 03:24:09 by silicon/silicum
 | thanks so much cyan, your contributions to buzz are forever appreciated !! Posted: 2004-04-08 21:23:27 by Nool
 | Thanks for all of your work into Buzz
thanks again!! Posted: 2004-04-05 12:56:45 by ben
 | BuzzSDK can be found at http://www.buzzxp.com/download.asp?dl=5 Posted: 2004-08-12 04:36:29 by djlaser
 | hey, is it possible to give a link to machine interface.h here ? yesm even tho i have it at home :) need to be able to download it easily to show people :) Posted: 2004-12-04 17:04:14 by zeffii
 | does the source code of the overload plugins constitute the whole source code of overloader or what?
ain't clear. Posted: 2004-10-09 11:47:26 by bohan
 | cyan is one of the greatest humanitarians of our time. let us pray. Posted: 2004-09-04 13:37:19 by bignic
 | could anyone post the Silent driver? (yes, i'm serious!) Posted: 2004-07-09 09:39:12 by JoaCHIP
 | will the asio waveout source ever be online? gimme! ;] Posted: 2004-06-26 20:12:04 by mute
 | apo moved his source code a long time ago.. it still available anywhere? Posted: 2004-06-26 20:10:26 by Mute
 | Great with some source codes! This is at least as useful as good documentation. :) Posted: 2004-04-23 08:26:26 by JoaCHIP